Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beware...killer on board

So, I feel terrible. I killed Jamison's beloved fish Henry. Apparently when I get overloaded I do not pay attention well enough and others suffer. I have had Perry and Christi's kids for a week, and we leave out of town tonight. I am trying to get the laudry done and folded, all people packed, the Webb's repacked and all theiristuff gathered, wrap Asher's presents, pick up the house, do the dishes, feed the kids and clean it up, clean the fish bowl and feed it, and have all the stuff loaded in the car in two and a half hours. I was on a roll, got the fish bowl cleaned out and was waiting for the water purifyer to finish it's think before I put the fish back in the bowl and feed him. While I waited I figured I would do the dishes...and totally threw Henry down the drain. Caleb looked at me when the dishes were done and asked where Henry was. My heart sank. Thank goodness I did not do the disposal, and after digging around found him in tact...but dead. I killed him with hot water. James is going to be devastated. I feel so bad. When she gets home from dance we will do a flushing ceremony. Caleb promised to help console her. I killed my daughter's pet....I hope she is only mad at me for a bit!


Amy said...

Oh my! Poor James. I hope she isn't mad at you for too long either. (I'm not going to lie... I laughed a little at first.)

SuSu said...

It must run in the family. This too has happened to me. However, I'm not sure who was more devastated, me or the owner of the fish.......I don't remember who it belonged to. But I still remember which house we lived in and where I was when it happened.

Kimberly said...

But all children are alive.
Give yourself a little credit ;)
To James, so sorry for your loss.

brit said...

oh my.......that should not be funny, and yet.......