Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Cheer

This has been a unique Christmas Season. I am lucky to have all my siblings and their kids here in town...all in Farmington. It is mass chaos when all 35 of us are together in one home, but it would not be right any other way. The unique part of it though has not been my favorite. Starting Tuesday the stomach flu hit our home and as of tonight (Saturday) the last person of all seven of us threw up. Poor Isaac did not understand what was happening to him. We all have had it is varying degrees, but this is a nasty one. I am feeling very lucky that we are on the tail end of it though. By Christmas day we should all have passed through the gammet of sickness and be able to enjoy the day and each other. This has been a memorable Christmas! It has had a unique spirit about it for me as I have thought about particularly Mary and her role in bringing the Savior to the world. My feelings for her are on a completely different level and I hope to take the time to explore them more. It has provided me with a very personal spiritual that I need. It will be a very Merry Christmas.


Ashley Allred said...

I'm very sorry that we shared our germs with you last weekend! Hope you were able to have a merry christmas still.

Mikael Squire said...

What an interesting thought! All I kept thinking while I was sick was "If this is what morning sickness feels like, I'll pass for a while longer on that phase of life". Way to look beyond our own misery for the deeper meaning