Thursday, September 2, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Babes

If I do not buckle my seatbelt in the car it makes a dinging noise. If Miquelyn hears that she tells me to buckle. The other day she saw that Grant was not buckled and said, "buckle Dadda, Buckle." He looked at me and asked if she really just said that. Yep she sure did, our daughter the buckle police.

Last week the kids all got in trouble for wandering around the house with food. I sat them all on the couch and explained why they were in trouble (calmly mind you.) Then I sent them off to clean their rooms. I was down in the girls room organizing clothes and working along side James when she said, "Mom I still love you even though I am in trouble." I told her I loved her too, no matter what even if she was in trouble. I asked her if she knew that. She said, "No, I just thought if I was in trouble you did not love me." AH, break my heart...I sat her down and explained to her that no matter what I always loved her the most. She seemed happy, gave me a big hug and went on her way.

The other day Asher was wanting me to zip up his hoodie but I was trying to get Isaac to sleep. I told him he would just have to wait until I got him to sleep. A few minutes later Isaac was alseep but I told Asher to just wait because I was enjoying Isaac. He told me that is not how people do it. I told him that was how I was going to do it. He then said, "That is not how you do it. When a kid asks for something the mom does it." Needless to say he got his hoodie zipped.


Chels said...


Ashley Allred said...

Oh my gosh! Are you being serious?? lol. I just love what kids say!

Aneesa Bee said...

I love the fun things they say. Okay, I went ahead and published my blog about the store anyway. Might as well--even though I am not original anymore--neither are all the people that say "Wow, you've got your hands full!"