Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fourth times a charm????

So I am hoping my fourth time on antibiotics (Since mid November) is a charm...PLEASE! The first of December I got a filling in my back molar that was a pretty bad cavity, but the tooth was alive and seemed great...until Monday. My jaw had actually been aching for over a month, but the dentist and I thought it was something else (my dentist and I are becoming great friends..I feel like I am there all the time lately.) So Saturday and Sunday night I did not sleep well because my mouth hurt. By Monday morning I was counting down the time to call the office. Advil was not taking away any pain, nor Loratab, so I was at my max. He was out of town but I called him on his cel and he got me a z pack and referred me to a specialist. I called and was lucky they had an opening the next day. By Monday night I was in so much pain I could not sleep. I was worried about all the pain killers I was taking and how it would effect Mique, but she seems fine. Tuesday I almost did not send James to school because I did not even think that I could get up to get her off. I called the specialist and they could not get me in any sooner, and the first visit was just an initial exam...I needed treatment! I was throwing up I was in so much pain. I just wanted to cry...and actually did. I finally called a friend...another dentist at the practice and asked him to help me. He prescribed me a stronger pain med, but that barely took the edge off. He got me in a couple hours later and opened the tooth and started the root canal. Wednesday the specialist finished it and I am doing so much better! Root canals get a bad name, but it is the pain that led up to it that is horrible, the procedure was such a relief. I am so lucky to have good friends help me when I need and ask, and great family (MOM!) to step in and help with the kids and everything so I can recover. It has not been my year, but I am so blessed to be surrounded by the people that I am!


Annie. said...

Good grief, Brittani! I wish we lived closer so we could help out also! I can't believe all the yucky health issues you've had to deal with lately. I am SO glad you are feeling better.

Holly said...

Wow Britt! You havent had much luck in the health dept this winter. I hope that this will be the last for you for a long time. How are the kids? Bryn was very sick with that throwing up 24 hour crud but seems much better today! I have been wanting to call you lately. Maybe I will try you tomorrow! Get better!

Kassie, Aaron and Boys said...

I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that, but am glad that you are feeling or a least getting better.

Rachel Clare said...

Yuck! I hope you start feeling better fast! I'm glad your Mom was around to help out!

Amy said...

Good night women! You didn't seem to bad when I talked to you Sunday night, why didn't you say something? You always do that... what until things are better, then blog it. Silly girl! I really hope you are doing better. I will try and call tomorrow and check in.

Regina said...

Oh wow! I remember having some really bad pain like you're having. I had a tooth filled and it still hurt! So I had the root canal done and I felt so much better. The root canal wasn't that bad because it helped relieve the pain! Hope you're done with all that!

Anonymous said...

I am hoping for your sake that fourth time is a charm. Antibiotics are no fun. I for sure know that you will be feeling a lot better in a few day's now that your mouth is fixed

Kara said...

Wow Brittani. If only I had known, I would have told you you needed a root canal right away. I went through the exact same thing last spring. I have never experienced something so awful before. Hooray for root canals! I actually went through the same thing in July too, but they thought it was a sinus infection. I've been on antibiotics over and over and now they can finally tell I need another root canal, so I just got another one last week. The pain hasn't been as bad this time or I would have gotten it a lot sooner. I'm so sorry you had to go though all that, and I'm glad you're feeling better.

Racheal said...

AAAHHHH!!!Grant your family is so darling! Seriously!!!Fun to see you guys have a blog!I just found your cute sis on facebook!!!Miss your family!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Brittani!!!! That totally stinks! You are my hero, holy smokes!