Friday, July 24, 2009

What goes in must come out

Grant got a gun, and with that comes a need for other things. One of those being ear plugs for when he goes out shooting. Scott got a bunch from his boss and brought a bunch to Grant. They are big bright reddish orangish plugs about and inch long and width to fit the ear. The other day Caleb got a few of them with which to play. He thought they were pretty cool. Now the interesting part comes. Last night as we were doing our routine and getting the kids to bed I got kiddos into pjs. I changed Mique's diaper and low and behold guess what "came out." Yep you got it two HUGE bright ear plugs. I could not believe it. That girl puts everything in her mouth and apparently swallows. It was difficult to try to explain to a 4 year old how dangerous that was for a little baby and not to leave things down that she could swallow (though I never would have thought she could swallow those things.) Oh the joy of an oral driven infant and an absent minded 4 year old boy.


Rachel Clare said...

oh no! i'm glad she didn't choke!! and, glad everything came out alright... hee hee. :)

m.lybrook said...

Scary! I am glad she didnt choke too. It goes to show you how resiliant kids are. Thanks for not sharing a photo of that one:)

Holly said...

That was me Holly, Britt! I didnt know Mitch was signed in. Oops.

Perry, Christi and Logan said...

Holy cow! That is scary-but kind of funny.

Chanel said...

Now that was a colorful diaper- almost like eating rainbow ice cream from TCBY!!!

Kara said...
