Thursday, November 26, 2009

ABC's of grattitude

I am grateful for:

A-Asher, those squishy cheeks (both kinds) are irresistible
B-Butter, what does not taste better with butter
C-Caleb, whose smile brightens my world
D-Drive through, because it is so much easier to not have to take my four little ones out.
E-Elegance, A quality I do not possess but very much admire
F-Friends, life would be lonely without such great one!
G-Grant, who makes my life the greatest one ever!
H-Healing, which I have needed and accessed a lot lately
I-Ice Cream, which is the greatest contributor to my "problem area's" but my favorite treat with my hubby
J-Jamison, who is one of the bravest people I know
K-Kindness, I see examples of it around me constantly and am reminded what I need to do
L-Love, my life is filled with it and carries me through all
M-Miquelyn, who keeps me on my toes and melts me with the very occasional shows of affection
N-Nose spray, It has provided me with many nights sleep
O-Out of town, I love to travel and get out to see people and new places
P-Popcorn, one of my favorite snacks while playing games...I love popcorn.
Q-Quilts, To snuggle up in them means security and warmth
R-Reading, I love to do it and wish I had more time for it
S-Seasons, I love that we have all of them here in Farmington
T-Tahiti, heaven on earth as far as I am concerned
U-Under wire, not that I NEED it, but I won't go without it
V-Victory, over trials...somehow I come out stronger and better for them
W-Water, I love to drink it and play in it
X-X-mas, I love everything about it, the spirit, the music, the food, the giving and the constant remembrance of our Savior and his beginnings
Y-Youth, I was provided a fantastic youth thanks to my parents and siblings
Z-Zippers, how much easier are they than buttons


Anonymous said...

What a great post. I love it.Happy Turkey Day

Chanel said...

Very cute!