If the last couple of days are indicative of our year...I think I will crawl back in bed and try again in 2012. I know, not the best attitude to start, but I was hoping for a better year and so far it has not been so.
It started with the stomach flu for Asher (both directions). I feel so bad for kids that have this.
It turned into Grant getting a nasty cold (which he still has not totally recovered from the one he got a month ago.)
Caleb fell down the stairs before church yesterday.
Asher seemed better, went to church, and within the first 20 minutes had to be rushed home. (Thank goodness Grant had stayed home....indicator of how crappy he felt...because I had to sub in primary.)
Caleb now has the bug (both directions.)
On top of the normal massive amounts of laundry, much more has been added on.
I have a 7 month old that is not even close to sleeping through the night...Those late night trips up and down the stairs take it out of me.
I was asking Grant about work last night and tried to accept the realization that he now will be working 6 days a week for at least 11-12 hour days without a lunch break...which to me translates to doing a lot on my own and trying to explain to the kids why he has to be gone (not my favorite.)
Seeing my hope of a "magical" Disney vacation this year fade away.
I laid in bed last night thinking about it all, I just wanted to cry...yep 2012 is looking better all the time.
So I tried to see the positive:
2011 has brought us a new couch for our TV room so we can finally watch a movie as a family in comfort.
Even though Grant is gone a lot, when he is around he is very "present" and gives his all to the kids...and it is evident how much they adore him.
Disney will be there next year.
This new dealership is good for our family, I just have to be patient and let it and my husband grow.
Illness is temporary, and it too shall pass.
I can do hard things (even though I do not want to have to), and my family is in tact and working together.
I have a good life, wonderful kids, the best husband and so many blessings I cannot count them all. It will get better and so will my ability to cope.
So, I am going to work on a few things I want and need to do for this year, and hopefully it will help me feel better and be better.