Friday, June 11, 2010

Why is it...

Why is it when my husband leaves I have such a range of emotions that flood my body. He headed out to go camping with his brother and kept telling me not to be mad at him. I reassured him I was sad, but not mad. As we all stood at the door waving goodbye I felt sad (sad that I my husband was leaving me for the weekend and I was once again alone and sleeping alone is not my favorite), worried (that he would be safe even though he has all the equipment he could need and a gun strapped to his hip), relieved (only because I do not have to cook a real dinner), jealous (that he can pick up and leave without having to worry to much about the kids and very jealous that he can have a fun adventure while I am teathered to home and five kids), excited (maybe I will watch a few movies that I would not make Grant watch and paint my fingernails), but mostly a tad bit lonely (I wonder if he ever feels that way when he leaves.) As we walked in the door amidst thunder and lightening a felt a little tugging at my throat and felt like crying (hormones and lack of sleep is what I will blame it on) but I kept it together and back to reality and making sure the troops are fed. What can I say I love my husband and miss him terribly when he is gone.


Regina said...

Can I just say that I totally relate to how you feel? Sean took the older boys and went on the father/sons campout last night and I was left at home with Jayden. Jayden makes up for the others that are gone because he can be hard to deal with. We should have gotten together! Maybe then we could have been lonely together! Lol!

Ashley Allred said...

I can relate to how you are feeling. I actually had a rush of emotions too about 3 hours after Justin left. All of a sudden I started crying a little...couldn't figure it out and then I realized "Oh yeah, I don't have a hubby again". I'm glad he could go, but I too was sad. He barely got home from being at work for 2 days, stayed for about an hour and a half and then took off. He'll get home sunday late and then be gone again on tuesday for 48 hours. I'm so looking forward to next weekend for our birthdays and fathers day! Hope you feel better!

Mike and Nickie said...

Those moments just make his return so much better. It allows you to look at life without him, and be appreciative that you have him in your life. I swear I love Mike more on the days he gets home, because I have had a glimpse of life without him. Your family is getting so big!! We lov you

Aneesa Bee said...

This post was great--I made Aaron read it so he could understand me better! He just got back yesterday after two weeks working in NM and I almost went crazy! Your little Isaac is so adorable. I can't believe how fast they grow up--Elias looks like a different boy after two months. I love the snuggle stage--I put them in a sling and get as much as I can!

Anonymous said...

CAmeron and I had those same feelings this weekend I can relate completly we are very understanding of their time away and their are pros and cons. This awas the first time that Cameron got a little emotional when he walked out the door. I am happy to think that We love our hubbies so much that we hate when they leave us