Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Asher talks about powers, I am pretty sure it all developed after spending an afternoon with Noah. He is so cute when he talks about it, but the main reason I had to catch this on video is I love his inflections, the way he talks with his hands, and the looks on his face. One of may favorites is when he says, "I don't know." He can be such a sweetie!


Kimberly said...

Lol! So funny, so cute.
The kids wanted to watch it again and again. We love you Asher Boy!

Amy said...

Sheesh... can't a kid have his own powers without dad stealing them? Get your own powers!

SuSu said...

Too too cute for me. Love the power........power on Asher....power on!

Chels said...

That is funny, I;ll have to ask NOah what the power is.

Chels said...

Glad I can type

Chanel said...

He is just to DANG CUTE for his own good. I just want to nibble those cheeks!

Holly said...

I want powers too, maybe Asher could give me some of his.!! Cute, cute, cute!

brit said...

will was so excited to watch that! he just kept saying asher over and over.

Kristy Graff said...

that is the cutest thing ever! i just love Asher and am so excited i get to work with him in nursery now! yay!

Edwards trio said...

That's adorable! Your kids are so cute.