1. I love to clean out my ears. I love the feeling of the q-tip in my ear just after getting out of the shower. I cannot explain it, but I love it. The funny thing is I do not love it when Grant kisses my ear. It is just best if he stays away. I cannot explain that one either.
2. I cannot start a project and not finish it. I can actually get slightly obsessive about it. The problem is that I can also get impatient, which often leads to not doing as good of a job as I should or could.
3. I enjoy doing our family finances. I kinda have a thing for numbers. This leads into wanting to go back to school for a business degree. (Poor Grant I am sure he is rolls his eyes just at the thought of it.) It will be many years before I get to do that, but it is something I want to do. So why did I do Social Work? Your guess is as good as mine. I suppose I love feeling like I am contributing to helping others have good lives since I have been blessed with an amazing one. Mostly I think I needed to do it to help me be a better mother and wife.
4. I like taking pictures of my kids husband and scenery, but I hate being on the other side of the camera. It is not often that there is a picture of just me for two reasons. The first is I feel goofy posing and waiting for the flash and am always worried I will have a cheesy fake smile. Second, when I look at a picture of myself I always find the things that I think do not look good...and this girl does not need that drama. I will occasionally appease Caleb and allow him to take a picture of me. The following is some of his work.
5. I have a fear of dying in a car accident. I suppose you might not know it by the amount of driving I do by myself and the distances that I travel, but that is one way I just do not want to go. I am not even sure why it bothers me, but I am sure that is a fear of mine.
6. I am very particular about the way in which the toilet paper roll is put on the holder. I always have to have the toilet paper coming over and off of the top, not under and from the bottom. (I am not sure if this is making sense.) I try really hard not to change the tp at other people's house when I use their bathroom, but it does occasionally happen.
There now that you know more about me than you wanted too, I want to know too much about Britney, Ashley, Chelsey, Chanel, Janae, and Christi. Have at it ladies!