Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Kimberly Tagged me to share 6 things about myself that you may not know or even want to know. I had fun reading hers, so how can I not share...and ask others to do the same. These are random, but they are a part of me.

1. I love to clean out my ears. I love the feeling of the q-tip in my ear just after getting out of the shower. I cannot explain it, but I love it. The funny thing is I do not love it when Grant kisses my ear. It is just best if he stays away. I cannot explain that one either.

2. I cannot start a project and not finish it. I can actually get slightly obsessive about it. The problem is that I can also get impatient, which often leads to not doing as good of a job as I should or could.

3. I enjoy doing our family finances. I kinda have a thing for numbers. This leads into wanting to go back to school for a business degree. (Poor Grant I am sure he is rolls his eyes just at the thought of it.) It will be many years before I get to do that, but it is something I want to do. So why did I do Social Work? Your guess is as good as mine. I suppose I love feeling like I am contributing to helping others have good lives since I have been blessed with an amazing one. Mostly I think I needed to do it to help me be a better mother and wife.

4. I like taking pictures of my kids husband and scenery, but I hate being on the other side of the camera. It is not often that there is a picture of just me for two reasons. The first is I feel goofy posing and waiting for the flash and am always worried I will have a cheesy fake smile. Second, when I look at a picture of myself I always find the things that I think do not look good...and this girl does not need that drama. I will occasionally appease Caleb and allow him to take a picture of me. The following is some of his work.

5. I have a fear of dying in a car accident. I suppose you might not know it by the amount of driving I do by myself and the distances that I travel, but that is one way I just do not want to go. I am not even sure why it bothers me, but I am sure that is a fear of mine.

6. I am very particular about the way in which the toilet paper roll is put on the holder. I always have to have the toilet paper coming over and off of the top, not under and from the bottom. (I am not sure if this is making sense.) I try really hard not to change the tp at other people's house when I use their bathroom, but it does occasionally happen.

There now that you know more about me than you wanted too, I want to know too much about Britney, Ashley, Chelsey, Chanel, Janae, and Christi. Have at it ladies!


SuSu said...

This was great fun. I love clean ears too.

Rachel Clare said...

I've loved reading through your blog! And, your welcome for the vest. Sorry my week got away from me and I wasn't able to wrap it up cute or deliver it myself. We really want to go to dinner (adults only, and M. if she wants!) over the holidays. Thanks for the use of the bed railings!
We miss you guys terribly.